Catherine Ching
Director of PTLC & Asia Representative of CGMS
Catherine is the Asia Representative of The Center for Guided
Montessori Studies (CGMS), and Program Director for the
Chinese program. She also serves as an Instructional Guide
and Field Consultant. In 2003, she founded the Montessori
Children’s House preschool 湖南省长沙市儿童家园幼稚园 in
Changsha city, Hunan province, China. She is a much sought-
after speaker and workshop presenter at many conferences and preschools around China. In 2019, she presented on the Singapore Education Model to over 300 teachers on-site at the 5th Forum organized by The Primary Student Guide Editorial Department of the Hunan Education Press Group
(湖南教育报刊集团,《小学生导刊》编辑部2019 “第五届发现教
室”论坛), with an online viewership of over 280,000 nationwide.
Catherine is the author of “Stop Bullying! You Can Do It!” 《阻止欺凌,你可以做到!》,and Parenting Advisor to “A Warm Home: Picture Book series on Children’s Security”《暖暖得家:儿童安全感培养绘本》, published by Hunan Juvenile & Children’s Publishing House Co., Ltd湖南少年儿童出版社。She trained directly under Kathryn Kvols, founder of The International Network for Children and Families (INCAF), who is the author and trainer of Redirecting Children’s Behaviour 《儿童行为重新定向》课程。