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Teachers' Testimonials
I attended CGMS online training in 2013. At that time, we were the first cohort from Myanmar.
I was impressed with all the trainers who have different teaching styles. They were always willing to answer the questions that I need clarifications on. The program made us feel comfortable to learn and we were able to communicate freely. The connectivity during training was very good. CGMS’ teacher program helps me gain confidence in my work with children.. I really enjoyed learning with CGMS and I am always thankful to CGMS.
Teacher Norah (2014 Graduate)

I am Hnin Myat Mon and I am working as a Montessori Guide at Ayeyarwaddy Montessori Preschool, Mandalay, Myanmar.
In June 2019, I enrolled in CGMS Early Childhood Teacher Certification Program. I gained a deep understanding and exploration of the Montessori approach for children who are 3-6 years old. CGMS provided very useful video lectures and material presentation videos, handouts, books, albums, etc., using the latest internet technology. Assignments were very meaningful and weekly interactions with a very supportive instructional guide and cohort members. We learned and discussed about philosophy of Montessori education, leadership skills, classroom arrangement, lesson presentations and original lessons creation, child psychology, observation, lesson planning, parent communication, and so on. I’m so glad to have made the best choice by joining CGMS program on early childhood education.
Hnin Myat Mon (2019 Graduate)

My name is Ju Ju from Myanmar and I attended CGMS online program from 2013 to 2014. It was my first online learning course and my first experience about the Montessori method of education. I learned from many different presenters and instructors like Kitty Bravo, Mary Colarullo, Julie Dederer and Cathie Perolman.
The video lectures was presented in great detail and in a systematic way. Even though English is not my native language, I did not face any difficulties during my course of study even though it was my first online learning experience. I received a lot of encouragement and my instructional guide maintained close contact with our cohort via skype. During these online chats, we were able to share our experiences, challenges, and become inspired by different suggestions or ideas.
Over the years, I've learned more about Montessori early childhood education and I’m presently working as a Lead Teacher cum Trainer in my city. My desire is to see more children from our country benefit from the Montessori education system in the future. Thank you CGMS for these valuable learning journey.
Ju Ju (2014 graduate)

It has been a great privilege for me to study with CGMS. The curriculum is very well rounded and offers a comprehensive set of instructions. Through online discussions in group settings, I've learned a lot from all the Instructional Guides and cohort members.
I've come to understand how important it is to properly prepare children's learning environment and also for the adults to be prepared in anticipation of the children's needs. The children learn through self-exploration with the materials which augments their problem solving capabilities while developing into more confident and independent learners.
Throughout the course, I felt encouraged and benefited greatly from weekly chats, and online forums. I have since fallen in love with the Montessori method of education and the online program offered by CGMS.
Linda Wang (2022 graduate)

Parents' Testimonials
“在我们的观念中,三岁孩子还在父母及祖父母的多重呵护之下,穿衣喂饭怀抱代步,而陈老师展示的蒙氏教学场景孩子们却在为父母准备晚餐。陈老师整个讲座过程都在提示我们思考,孩子本身出于尊贵的设计,灵性,悟性,智能一无所缺,我们所能做的是预备环境,陪伴帮助孩子发展他们具有的天份,也相信孩子能行。我们发现自己根本不认识孩子,也不了解孩子,根本不知道怎么教 孩子!特别感谢陈老师能来到我们中间,期待还有机会受教。”
在传统的观念中, 幼儿园的课程设计无非就是带着孩子玩玩, 替家长看孩子,并没有太多的期待。经老师的讲解, 蒙氏课程给予该年龄段孩子完备的课程设计和教育方法论。一直以来, 我认为教育的过程是发现孩子的兴趣爱好,并能使其认知将来的职业方向,这个过程会持续很长时间,甚至要到高中阶段。
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